
Letters of Understanding COVID-19

Dear members, In this communication, we provide a brief update on four Letters of Understanding (LOUs) relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Student Evaluation of Teaching... read more

Support Staff Strike Update

Dear members, Since Monday, the Support Staff of the University of Ottawa (SSUO) have been striking against wage and benefit cuts, an orphan clause in their collective agreement,... read more

APUO Statement

Dear members,  The APUO unequivocally apologizes for the communication sent to members last Friday. We should have consulted with our members broadly and, in... read more

Support Staff Strike on Monday

Dear members, Yesterday, we provided an update on the state of collective bargaining between the Support Staff of the University of Ottawa (SSUO) and the Central... read more

Update on SSUO Collective Bargaining

Dear members, We write today with an update regarding the ongoing negotiations between the Support Staff of the University of Ottawa (SSUO) and the Central Administration. As... read more

Scholar Strike

Dear members, The APUO joins the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and other faculty associations across Ontario and the rest of Turtle Island... read more

July 31 Bulletin

Dear members,  As per the recently signed letter of understanding (LOU) COVID-19 Impact on Course Development and Delivery, an additional one-time lump sum of $1,000 should... read more