Permanent APUO Committees
To support the day-to-day affairs of the Association, the APUO established a number of permanent committees who report to the Executive Committee. For more information, please consult By-law H of the APUO Constitution and By-laws or the descriptions below.
Joint ad hoc APUO-Employer Committees
The joint ad hoc APUO-Employer committees listed below were created following the signature of letters of understandings (LOUs) during the 2018 round of collective bargaining to address particular issues that fell outside the scope of the 2018-2021 Collective Agreement. Their work is ongoing.
The joint ad hoc APUO-Employer committees listed below were created following the signature of letters of understandings (LOUs) during the last round of collective bargaining to address particular issues that fall outside the scope of the 2021-2024 Collective Agreement.
Permanent joint APUO-Employer Committees
The joint APUO-Employer Committees listed below are mandated by the APUO Collective Agreement.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee |
Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee |
Joint Consultative and Communication Committee |
Anomalies Committee |
University committees with APUO appointed representatives
Parking Committee |
Pension Plan Committee |
Pension Fund Investment Committee |
Supplementary Pension Plan Committee |