Dear APUO members, The results of the ratification vote are as follows: 539 YES and 39 NO. The tentative settlement has therefore been supported by 93% of the members who... read more
August Bulletin
Table of Contents: Promotion and Tenure Applications Recording Courses Fall 2021 Course Syllabi Grievance Team Inter-Union Campaign on the Bimodal Teaching Format Dear members, It... read more
Collective Bargaining: Details of the Tentative Agreement
Dear members, On July 12, we informed you that we had reached an agreement in principle with the Central Administration for a new Collective Agreement. The Executive... read more
Inter-Union Coalition Press Release on Bimodal Teaching
After several letters sent to the University of Ottawa Central Administration and few answers regarding its teaching plans for the 2021-2022 academic year and its bimodal learning... read more
Collective Bargaining Update: Agreement in Principle
Dear members, We are pleased to inform you that, we’ve reached an agreement in principle with the Central Administration. We believe that we have negotiated the best deal... read more
Clarifications on Teaching in 2021-2022
Dear members, Following our June 18 update on bimodal teaching, several members have written to the APUO with questions and concerns. The purpose of this communication is... read more
Update on bimodal teaching
Dear members, As a follow up to our May 7 bulletin, we want to update you on our efforts at getting more information about the Central Administration’s plans regarding both... read more
Statements: Kamloops Residential School & the Islamophobic Attack in London
Dear members, We write today with two statements, one regarding the tragedy of the 215 lost children at the former Kamloops Residential School, and the second regarding the... read more
Update: New Letter of Understanding
Dear members, The APUO is pleased to inform you that it has signed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) regarding course preparation and delivery for the Fall 2021 semester. We would... read more
May Bulletin
Table of contents:– Inter-union Letter– Members’ Annual Reports– The University’s Council on French Services and ProgramsDear members, Earlier... read more