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Highlights from the Tentative Agreement

On January 17, we informed you that we had reached a two-year agreement in principle with the Central Administration for a new Collective Agreement. The agreement will be presented in detail for ratification at a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Thursday, February 13 from 10 am to 12 pm in Desmarais (DMS) room 12102. The agenda, meeting documents and a Zoom link for Members unable to attend in-person will be sent at least five days ahead of the SGM.

The Special General Meeting will be followed by a secret electronic ratification vote. If approved by APUO members, the new Collective Agreement will be in effect for the period spanning from May 1, 2024, to April 30, 2026.

Below are some of the key highlights of the Tentative Agreement:

Salary Increases and Adjustments

Full PTR with indexation
Full PTR with indexation

Changes to Benefits

Coverage TypeCurrent StructureProposed Structure
Basic Dental PlanReimbursement based on prior year dental fee guideReimbursement based on current year dental fee guide
Optional Dental PlanReimbursement based on prior year dental fee guideReimbursement based on current year dental fee guide
Basic Dental PlanRecall exam twice per calendar yearRecall exam once every 9 months
Extended Health PlanVision coverage at $250 per 24 months and 1 eye exam per 24 months, maximum of $80 per examVision at $475 per 24 months and 1eye exam per 24 months, maximum of $110 per exam

Other changes:

  • Psychologist, Clinical Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage/Family Therapist, Psychoanalyst and Psychotherapist reimbursed at 80% (from 50%) up to $3,000 per calendar year combined for all practitioners.
  • Coverage added for acupuncturist, audiologist and occupational therapist with an annual maximum of $400 for each of these practitioners.

Professional Expense Reimbursement Funds (PER)
Effective January 1, 2025, members’ Professional Expenses Reimbursement (PER) Funds will increase from $2,200 to $2,600.

Language formalizing the APUO complement into the Collective Agreement instead of being in a Letter of Understanding (LOU).

Course Loads
An LOU to introduce a four (4) 3-credit courses baseline teaching load, rather than five (5), in the faculties of Arts, Education and Telfer, by April 30, 2026.

  • The same LOU also states that the Faculty of Arts will reduce the normal teaching load of Language Teachers from seven (7) to six (6) 3-credit courses by April 30, 2026.

An LOU creating a joint committee tasked with recommending a “new PTR” increment table for Librarians, similar in function to Faculty Members’ new PTR.

Librarians’ professional activities now include administrative activities.

Continuing Special Appointment Professors (CSAP)
An LOU stating that Continuing Special Appointment Professors (CSAP) can apply for a four-month professional leave every four (4) years, instead of every five (5) years.

Replacement Professors
An LOU stating that Replacement Professors with at least seven (7) consecutive years at the University of Ottawa shall be able to request a conversion to a Continuing Special Appointment Professors (CSAP) position.

Academic Support
An LOU on the creation of a joint working group tasked with examining and making recommendations on members’ Teaching Assistant needs.

Administrative Support
An LOU to create a joint working group tasked with examining and making recommendations on members’ administrative support needs.

You can view the tentative settlement in full here. Please note that texts are presented only in the language in which they were finally negotiated.