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Professional Expenses Reimbursement Program

The professional expenses reimbursement (PER) program is detailed in article 40.9 of the collective agreement and on the University of Ottawa website.

For each calendar year, the Employer will reimburse each member for $2,200 of allowable professional expenses incurred in carrying out employment duties or acquiring supplies or equipment related to the performance of such duties. Eligible expenses include the following:

  • membership fees for professional societies;
  • travel expenses and registration fees for conferences related to the member’s professional responsibilities;
  • publication costs;
  • purchase of instructional and research material (e.g., books, equipment, supplies, software, journal subscriptions).

The process for requesting reimbursement is detailed on the University of Ottawa website and requires submitting all expenses electronically using the Concur system. It’s important to note that section 40.9.6 of the collective agreement specifies that equipment purchased with funds from the PER remain the property of the University.