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Bargaining Update No 4: Exchange of Monetary Proposals, Conciliation and Mediation

Dear Members,

We’re writing to update you with the latest news from our bargaining sessions with the employer. 

In this bulletin, we’ll dive into the details of the exchange of monetary proposals and where things stand regarding conciliation. Suffice it to say, that your engagement and support are more important than ever.

We will end with a list of dates for upcoming Bargaining Coffee Hours. These coffee hours provide an opportunity to hear from and ask questions to your negotiating team.

Exchange of Monetary Proposals

On September 12, the APUO and the employer exchanged monetary proposals. At this time, the APUO has proposed a two-year Collective Agreement (CA), while the employer is proposing a three-year CA.

The APUO is proposing an across-the-board increase of 2.81% for 2024-2025 and 2.84% for 2025-2026. These amounts represent the weighted average of the salary increases negotiated by our traditional comparator universities for the same academic years. These include Carleton University, University of Guelph, McMaster University, Queen’s University, Western University, University of Windsor, University of Waterloo and York University.

The employer is proposing an across-the-board increase of 1% for 2024-20251.25% for 2025-2026 and 1.5% for 2026-2027

The APUO is also proposing the following improvements to existing insurance plans:

  • Increase extended health benefits coverage from 80% to 100%.
  • Increase dental care coverage from 80% to 100%.
  • Enhance psychological services coverage to 100% reimbursement.
  • Add the following paramedical services: occupational therapy including remedial tutoring services for children, audiology and acupuncturist.
  • Combine the following individual paramedical coverages (chiropractor, massage therapist, naturopath, osteopath, physiotherapist, podiatrist, speech pathologist, occupational therapy, audiology and acupuncturist) in a new “pool” for paramedical services. The total benefits for the pool to equal $4,000.
  • Increase vision coverage from $250 to $750.

Regarding benefits, the employer is proposing: 

  • A beneficial change to the Dental Plan fee guide.
  • Limiting the dental recall exam from twice a year to every 9 months.
  • The removal of the Benefits Analysis from our CA, which would remove the guarantee of a third-party benefits report and analysis prior to CA expiry.
  • Changes to the insurance article for travel, which your Negotiation Team is currently analyzing.

Both parties have also included a number of additional monetary proposals.

You can read all the APUO’s monetary proposals here.

You can read all the employer’s monetary proposals here.

Update on Conciliation and Mediation: 

You may recall that in our last update, we announced that the APUO had filed for conciliation. A Conciliation Officer has now been appointed by the Province and the APUO and the Employer are in the process of scheduling a first meeting with the Conciliator. In the meantime, both parties have agreed to a mediation session with mediator William Kaplan, on October 17. You might remember that the parties benefited from Mediator Kaplan’s assistance in the past.

Conciliation vs. Mediation

Both mediation and conciliation are tools available to parties when they determine that they could benefit for third-party assistance. They can proceed in parallel. 

Quick facts on conciliation:

  • Conciliation is the process of intervention in collective bargaining by a neutral third party knowledgeable in effective negotiation procedures. It is managed by Ontario Ministry of Labour. Once requested by either party, conciliation is mandatory and will continue as long as both parties find it constructive and helpful.
  • The first step is the appointment of a Conciliator by the Minister of Labour. If one or both parties conclude that conciliation is not working, they may request a No-Board report which shall be issued by the Minister. Once the No-Board has been issued, there is a period of 17 days (during which negotiations and mediation are still possible) at the end of which: (1) the members may begin a strike action; (2) the Employer may impose a lock out; or (3) the Employer may unilaterally rewrite the Collective Agreement.

Quick facts on mediation:

  • Mediation is a similar process to conciliation, except that it is voluntary, and the mediator is chosen by the parties.
  • There is no deadline to mediation.
  • Mediation can proceed independently from conciliation.

Upcoming Bargaining Coffee Hours

In-Person at the APUO Office (Suite 1204, 1 Nicholas Street, Ottawa):
