Dear APUO members, Following the counting of votes by the APUO administrative team, in front of the Nominations and Elections Committee, as well as the two candidates, we are... read more
Winter 2017 Evaluation of Senior Administrators
Dear members of the APUO, In accordance with its Policy Statement on Assessment of Senior Administrators, in February 2017 the APUO asked members in the Faculty of Arts to... read more
Invitation: Keeping Education Public Week
INVITATION: KEEPING EDUCATION PUBLIC WEEK Dear members, As part of Keeping Education Public week, the APUO is co-sponsoring events on campus from March 6 to March 10, 2017.Seven... read more
APUO Winter Bulletin 2017
Winter 2017 Bulletin Contents: New President: a friendly hand, a promising start and some concerns Understanding the budget situation at uOttawa 2017-2018 University... read more
Roundtable: Commercialization of academic publishing
THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF ACADEMIC PUBLISHING: OPPORTUNITY OR THREAT? Dear members, As part of Keeping Education Public Week, APUO will be hosting a roundtable on Monday... read more
Selection Vice-President Academic and Provost
The following was sent by Jennifer Dekker, APUO President on February 9, 2017 to Jacques Frémont, uOttawa President regarding the selection committee for the new Vice-President... read more
Petition: Stand Against the Ban
Dear members,In light of recent news events, many scholars and institutions in the post-secondary sector have responded to developments affecting our members and the extended... read more
Debate on the 2017-18 uOttawa budget
Professor Tyler Chamberlin’s presentation is available... read more
Change: Budget debate UOttawa 2017-18
NOTICE: 2017-2018 BUDGET DEBATE Dear members, Please note that the University of Ottawa has not responded to our invitation to send a delegate to our budget debate on... read more
Invitation: CAUT Equity Conference 2017
Dear members of APUO, APUO is proud to support the participation of its members at the CAUT Equity conference that will take place on February 24-25, 2017 in Toronto. The APUO... read more