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About the APUO

The Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) is a professional association and certified union, bargaining and representing 1335 full-time professors, librarians, language teachers, and Continued Special Appointment Professors (CSAP). The general objective of the Association is to promote the interests and welfare of its members through collective bargaining and other appropriate means. 

To this end, the APUO endeavors to maintain high academic and professional standards, gain recognition and respect for academic freedom, build a more equitable University, and secure and maintain adequate conditions of employment and tenure. Achieving these goals goes hand in hand with advocating for a well-funded public post-secondary education system in Ontario, and more broadly in Canada. 

In the fall of 1956, the Council of the Faculty of Science appointed a committee to organize an Association of professors and to investigate the possibility of affiliating with the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). Twenty years later, in 1976, the Association certified as a union under the Ontario Labour Relations Act. That same year, the first Collective Agreement was ratified (1976-1978).