To all APUO members,
Please take note that the APUO Grievance Officer Leslie Robertston will be offering a Tenure and Promotion to Associate Workshop on Monday, October 26, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Social Sciences Building, 120 University, room 5028.
Please confirm your presence by notifying Manon Charette ( or 613-230-3659) as soon as possible.
The workshop will cover the articles in the collective agreement relevant to tenure and promotion; explain how to prepare a file; brief members regarding the process; and inform members on how APUO can help in case of an unsuccessful application.
Obviously this invitation is open to all APUO members, however it is also a special invitation for all the members of the Departmental Teaching Personnel Committees (DTPC) and also the members of the Faculty Teaching Personnel Committees (FTPC).
A separate workshop on promotion to Full Professor will be offered at a later date.
Leslie Robertson
Grievance Officer / Agent de grief
Association des professeur(e)s de l’Université d’Ottawa
Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa
170, Waller, Ottawa ON
Canada K1N 9B9
613-230-3659 (téléphone / phone)
613-230-4130 (télécopieur / fax)