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Take Action for Post-Secondary Education in Ontario

As you know, Ontario is currently in a provincial election, with advanced polls open from February 20 to February 22. Election day is February 27.

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has launched an Ontario provincial election campaign for a stronger university sector.

Chronic government underfunding has been eroding our sector for decades. At uOttawa, lack of government funds has become the Central Administration’s go-to scapegoat when refusing to prioritize our institution’s mission of delivering high quality education and research. 

The current Ontario election presents an opportunity to send a strong and clear message to political parties: investing in the province’s post-secondary sector is an investment in Ontario’s future.

Through OCUFA’s campaign, professors, librarians and academic workers across the province are calling on parties to commit to:

  • Strengthen funding for universities to improve the quality and accessibility of education.
  • Transform more student loans into grants, ensuring that university education is affordable for all Ontarians.
  • Support Northern Ontario universities in driving innovation and fostering economic growth.
  • End the gigification of teaching by creating stable, permanent positions for faculty members.

Add your voice to these demands by following this link and clicking “Email the Party Leaders”. 

OCUFA has also created resources outlining where the parties stand in relation to post-secondary education: 

  • Click here to see each party’s voting record on legislation affecting post-secondary education.
  • Click here for an analysis of each party’s education platform points.

Stronger investments in post-secondary education at the provincial level could strengthen our own advocacy here at the University of Ottawa. This election let’s vote for education!