The APUO is proud to support the participation of its members at the CAUT Equity Conference that will take place on February 21 and 22, 2020 in Ottawa. The APUO will cover the expenses for registration for eight participants. The participants will be expected to participate in the conference in its entirety and to provide receipts for costs incurred.
By providing this funding, the APUO hopes to build the capacity of its members to promote equity in the academic community. The APUO will meet with participants after the conference to discuss ways to further build and advance our equity agenda, which aims to increase the representation of women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, and members of the LGBTQ2+ community at the University of Ottawa.
Please take a look at the CAUT conference webpage for more details. We invite you to express your interest in participating in the conference by sending a 150 to 200-word motivation to no later than January 31, 2020.