To all APUO members, Workshops exclusively for professors who are members of their Department/School Teaching Personnel Committee were presented jointly between the APUO and the... read more
Workshop on Promotion to Full Professor
APUO Grievance Officer Leslie Robertson offered a workshop on promotion to full professor on April 7, 2016. You can download the presentation... read more
Tenure and Promotion to Associate Workshop
The APUO Grievance Officer Leslie Robertson offered a Tenure and Promotion to Associate workshop on April 5, 2016. You can download a copy of the presentation... read more
Workers’ Rights are Human Rights
The Human Rights Research and Education Centre invites you to celebrate International Human Rights Day! WORKERS’ RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value:... read more
Taylorizing Education for Profit by Gordon Lafer
For your information, Gordon Lafer’s talk Taylorizing Education for Profit, held at the University of Ottawa on October 13 2015, is available. You can download his... read more
Workshop on Tenure and Promotion
To all APUO members, Please take note that the APUO Grievance Officer Leslie Robertston will be offering a Tenure and Promotion to Associate Workshop on Monday, October 26, 2015... read more
Workshop on Tenure and Promotion
To all APUO members, You will find here the presentation re: Workshop on Tenure and Promotion that was held 6 May 2015. Leslie Robertson Agente de Griefs/ Grievance Officer... read more