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Bargaining 2024

As Members are likely aware, our 2021-2024 Collective Agreement (CA) expired on April 30, 2024. The APUO served its Notice to Bargain on April 29, and we will begin negotiating a new CA in the coming weeks. 

We enter this round of bargaining with an Employer who, over the lifespan of the 2021-2024 CA, has repeatedly failed to prioritize high quality education and research. Throughout the past three years, we have experienced dramatic increases to our workloads, endured budget cuts and service reductions, and witnessed the utter erosion of collegial governance on campus. Furthermore, this ongoing situation has considerably weakened our university’s ability to ensure the continued provision of high-quality teaching and research in both Official Languages. 

This round of bargaining is critical to stemming the decline in the quality of our working conditions. Now, more than ever, is the time to demand better. Now, more than ever, is the time to take back our university: for students, for the community, for the future. 

Going forward, Members will be able to follow our progress in negotiations at this site. In the meantime, we invite you to consult the APUO’s 2024 Bargaining Book, which summarizes your bargaining priorities. To learn more about how to support and get involved with the APUO’s bargaining efforts please email