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Assessment of Senior Administrator – Faculty of Arts

Dear members of the APUO,

In accordance with its Policy Statement on Assessment of Senior Administrators, in December 2018 the APUO asked members in the Faculty of Arts to complete a survey to assess their dean.

You can view the summary of results and the details of the quantitative questions by clicking on the appropriate link.

As this is the first time that a Senior Administrator is evaluated for a second time, it might be useful to compare the data. As you can see from the table below, the assessment results for Dean Kee have dropped significantly for all categories.

CategoriesFebruary 2017 assessmentDecember 2018 assessmentDifference
Allocation of Resources3.472.88-0.59
Administrative Ability3.723.24-0.48
Personal Relations3.883.48-0.40
Overall Evaluations3.663.09-0.57

In interpreting the arithmetic mean values, it should be noted that the items on the questionnaire have a range of 1 to 5: 1 represents extremely poor performance; 5 represents outstanding performance; any mean value below 3 indicates unsatisfactory performance; mean values from 3 to 4 indicate satisfactory performance; and mean values above 4 indicate more than satisfactory performance.

You can view the results of previous surveys here:
·         Winter 2017 assessments
·         Winter 2016 assessments

With kind regards,

The APUO Executive Committee