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Anti-Black Profiling, Carding, and Harassment on Campus

The APUO Executive Committee is deeply disturbed and outraged by the incident of racial profiling, carding, and harassment of a Black student and the involvement of Protection Services on campus last week. We condemn the actions of the Protections Services members who harassed and handcuffed Jamal Koulmiye-Boyce in the strongest possible terms.
Please find a letter written by the APUO Black, Indigenous and People of colour (BIPOC) caucus about the incident here. The APUO BIPOC caucus is a closed space intended for APUO members who identify as BIPOC to come together, socialize, and share their experiences. For more information, please contact the APUO at
Members of our campus community are currently invited to sign on to the following letter. You have until the end of the day on Tuesday, June 18 to sign onto the letter.  
Please sign the letter here.