Dear members,
We wish to inform you that on January 31, the APUO has begun collective bargaining and tabled its proposals to the Employer, which are summarized in the following Powerpoint.
We thank all members who attended Monday’s Special General Meeting and provided valuable feedback and a mandate that will guide us during this round of collective bargaining.
Here is a list of the members of the APUO Collective bargaining team:
Michel Desjardins, APUO Administrative Director (Chief Negotiator)
Jean-Daniel Jacob, First Vice-President, APUO Executive Committee (School of Nursing)
Dalie Giroux, Academic Officer, APUO Executive Committee (School of Political Studies)
Richard L. Hébert, member of the APUO Board of Directors (Faculty of Medicine)
Susan Spronk, President, APUO Executive Committee (School of International Development and Global Studies)
Members for specific topics:
Paul Saurette member of the APUO Board of Directors (School of Political Studies)
Colin Montpetit, Officer-at-Large, APUO Executive Committee (Department of Biology)
Natasha Udell, APUO Legal Counsel
Should you and your academic unit want additional information about the proposals we put forward, the APUO executive would welcome an invitation to present and discuss these with you. Please send your requests to
As we move ahead in these negotiations, we will keep you informed of important developments.
In solidarity,
The APUO executive