Professor Tyler Chamberlin’s presentation is available... read more
uOttawa Finances
Budget debate UOttawa 2017-18
2017-2018 BUDGET DEBATE The University of Ottawa has proposed across the board cuts, including extensive cuts to the library. In response the APUO will be conducting an analysis... read more
Open letter to the attention of Mr. Jacques Frémont: reverse the cuts
(sent by email) Open letter to the attention of Mr. Jacques Frémont, Mr. Jacques Frémont President Office of the President University of Ottawa 550 Cumberland, room 212 Ottawa,... read more
APUO Financial Bulletin April 2016
The APUO Financial Bulletin April 2016 is available... read more
Resolution of the Assembly of the School of Political Studies concerning 2015-2016 budgetary adjustments
On January 21, 2016 the members of the School of Political Studies adopted a resolution opposing the budgetary measures being proposed by the central... read more
Open letter to the Board of Governors concerning proposed budget cuts in faculties and services
On February 2, 2016 the APUO Executive Committee wrote an open letter to the Board of Governors concerning the proposed budget cuts in faculties and services. The letter is... read more
Open letter to members of Board of Governors’ Executive Committee dated November 27 2015
Having received no response to the letters dated June 30 and July 16, APUO President Jennifer Dekker wrote again to the members of Board of Governors’ Executive Committee on... read more
Letter to Minister concerning compensation of senior administrators at uOttawa
The APUO President wrote to the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities on September 25 2015 concerning compensation being paid to two members of senior administration of... read more
Open letter to members of Board of Governors’ Executive Committee dated June 30 2015 concerning VP Research 2014 annual compensation increase
Dear APUO members, Further to the open letter to members of the Board of Governors’ Executive Committee dated June 30 2015 signed jointly by the Association of Professors of the... read more
Open Letter to members of Board of Governors’ Executive Committee 20150630
Dear APUO members, Please find the open letter sent by the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO), the Association of Part-time Professors of the University... read more