TO ALL APUO MEMBERS As per the last few years, new practices implemented in faculties regarding annual vacations and other absences from campus have created some confusion and... read more
University Pension Project
To all APUO members, In 2014, a joint committee was created between the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and the Council of Ontario Universities... read more
Update on the Pension Plan of the University of Ottawa
Dear members, The APUO is happy to present you with an update on the University of Ottawa Pension Plan. You will remember that, during the last collective bargaining round, the... read more
FGPS and SofG
Dear APUO members, As mentioned at the General Assembly on Wednesday, we are sending you the report by the Working Group studying the operations of the Faculty of Graduate and... read more
Financial Situation of the University of Ottawa
Click here to view the current Financial Situation of the University of Ottawa (corrected version – the title of the twelfth... read more
Dear APUO members, Practices implemented in faculties regarding annual vacations and other absences from campus have created some confusion and problems for our members. Please... read more
Dear APUO members, Here you will find information that is being sent to you on behalf of the Anomalies Committee. Sincerely, Christian Rouillard APUO... read more
May 2014 Bulletin
Click here to view the APUO Bulletin May... read more
Potential Labour Dispute – UO and Operating Engineers
Dear APUO members, Here you will find information that is being sent to you on behalf of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE Local 772-A). Sincerely, The APUO... read more
OCUFA Election webpage now live
Dear APUO members, The following information is sent to you on behalf of OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations). Sincerely, APUO Executive Committee... read more