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Start Of Collective Bargaining

Dear members, We wish to inform you that on January 31, the APUO has begun collective bargaining and tabled its proposals to the Employer, which are summarized in the following... read more

Absences from campus

Over the last few years several new practices that were implemented in faculties with regard to annual vacations and other absences from campus have created some confusion and... read more

APUO Members and Online Courses

APUO President Jennifer Dekker wrote to President Allan Rock on February 4, 2016 concerning the development and delivery of hybrid or online courses by APUO members. You can read... read more

2015 Negotiations – Financial Proposals

Dear APUO members, In a recent email, President Allan Rock stressed current financial pressures that the University of Ottawa is supposedly facing. He also instructed the deans of... read more

Workshop on Tenure and Promotion

To all APUO members, You will find here the presentation re: Workshop on Tenure and Promotion that was held October 26 2015. Leslie Robertson Agente de Griefs/ Grievance Officer... read more

Absences from Campus

TO ALL APUO MEMBERS As per the last few years, new practices implemented in faculties regarding annual vacations and other absences from campus have created some confusion and... read more


Dear APUO members, Practices implemented in faculties regarding annual vacations and other absences from campus have created some confusion and problems for our members. Please... read more