Michel is responsible for planning all activities and work of the APUO office, responding to all questions relating to the Collective Agreement and is chief negotiator for the APUO during collective bargaining.
michel@apuo.caPatrick DESJARDINS
Patrick is a full-time member of staff who assists APUO members with grievances, accommodations issues, complaints and responding to all questions relating to the Collective Agreement.
patrick@apuo.caThomas FOTH
Thomas is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences with a workload reduction to assist members with grievances, complaints, and responding to all questions relating to the Collective Agreement.
apuogr@apuo.caJulie PAQUIN
Julie is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, Civil Law section, with a workload reduction to assist members with grievances, complaints, and responding to all questions relating to the Collective Agreement.
apuolo@apuo.caStéphanie KEPMAN
Stéphanie provides legal advice and support to the APUO for arbitration hearings, tribunal hearings, Ontario Labour Board complaints and Judicial Review Applications.
stephanie@apuo.caChristine MONCRIEFF (on leave)
Christine provides support to legal counsel in conducting legal research and preparing files for arbitration hearings, mediation, Ontario Labour Board complaints and Judicial Review Applications.
christine@apuo.caCassandre VANDERBEKEN (interim)
Cassandre provides support to legal counsel in conducting legal research and preparing files for arbitration hearings, mediation, Ontario Labour Board complaints and Judicial Review Applications.
cassandre@apuo.caLydia Gabelmann
Lydia manages the APUO’s policy, governance, and administrative affairs, as well as the Award of Excellence in Teaching, the Award for Excellence in Research, and the Student Award Program
lydia@apuo.caNicole DESNOYERS
Nicole plays a key role in the development and execution of the union’s communication strategies and public relations activities, both external and internal.
nicole@apuo.caArmaan SINGH
Armaan supports the APUO’s collective bargaining efforts as they relate to member organizing, engagement, and mobilization
armaan@apuo.caAll APUO staff can be contacted by phone at: 613-230-3659.